Tricks with XPath

Example – 1:

<div id="first-div">

<div id="text-1" name="A">Text</div>

<div id="text-2" name="B">Random text</div>

<div id="text-3">Random text</div>


If you need element and it has id, standard text or name, it’s easy to find it by id or name:




By text:

.//*[contains(text(),’which will never change’)]


.//*[contains(.,’which will never change’)]






If you know full text:

.//*[text()=’Text for testing’]


.//*[.=’Text for testing’]


Perhaps you want to find all divs or all elements which haven’t random text:

.//div[not(.=’Random text’)]


But now you need all elements which haven’t id and have random text, so:

.//div[.=’Random text’ and not(@id)]



Example – 2:

<div class="ui-dialog ui-widget" style="position: absolute; height: auto; width: 800px; top: 191px; left: 557px; display: block;" tabindex="-1">
 <div class="ui-dialog-titlebar">
 <span id="random1223">Window</span>
 <span class="ui-button" />
 <span class="ui-button-text">New</span>
 <div class="uidialog-buttonpane">
 <div class="ui-dialog-buttonset">
 <span class="ui-button-text">New<span>

We can find main div by class attribute, but in case class changes, we need to rewrite our xpath.

BAD:      .//span[@class=’ui-button-text’]

BAD:      .//span[2][@class=’ui-button-text’]

You can see that span on the footer of the Window doesn’t have siblings, so we have rule which can be implemented: .//div[div[span=’Window’]] and find span with text() equals New.



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